Effective Date: Mar 2, 2023

The given privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) is to be read in conjunction with the terms and conditions as displayed on Our Platform/Website and establishes a legally binding agreement between the User and beyondClub (“The Company”).

Any reference in the form of “we”, “us” and “our” would hereinafter refer to the Company. Any person who accesses or uses the Platform/Website shall be termed as the “User”, any reference to “You”, “Their”, “Them” shall hereinafter refer to the User.

Your access and/or usage of the Platform/Website indicates that you have read, understood and agreed in full to this Privacy Policy.

In the pursuance of our legal commitments, we have drafted and displayed this Privacy Policy and You agree that any information You share with us, is only after voluntarily consenting to this Privacy Policy.

If You do not agree with this Privacy Policy, then please do not access or use the Platform/Website

What Personal Information May Be Collected

In the course of providing services, the Company may have to collect certain Personal Information from you. This information would, inter alia, include the following:

  1. Personal Details: The Company may collect personal details including but not limited to name and age.
  2. Contact information: The Company may collect any contact information from You including but not limited to your address, email and telephone number.
  3. Information to provide the services: The Company may collect information regarding the business category, and company logo, in order to deliver You seamless services.
  4. Professional Information: Relevant information including but not limited to Your business type, category, and target audience.
  5. Social Media related Information: Information related to your social media profiles including but not limited to the username and content posted may be collected
  6. Financial Information: Financial Information such as any third-party wallets, credit card information and history of transactions carried out on the Platform may be collected.
  7. Other information: We may also collect information about the IP address and the browser you are using.

You agree and voluntarily consent to provide correct and accurate information. We shall not be liable for any inaccuracies in the information provided by You or any direct or indirect consequences of such inaccurate information. If we find out, either on our own or through any other means that You have provided false information, we shall be at liberty to restrict your access to the Platform/Website and our services.

How does the Company collect the Personal Information

  1. Personal Information provided to the Company

We may ask for Your Personal Information including but not limited to your full name, contact details and birth date at the time of Your registration on the Platform/Website. You willingly consent to provide the Company your Personal Information at the time of registration on the Platform/Website.